Chapter 6: A Man Apart

Chapter total: 90 loot, 6 collectibles (1806G)

Northcrest Manor Courtyard: 15 loot, 2 collectibles (242G)

Cellars: 4 loot (108G)

First Floor, East: 19 loot, 1 collectible (380G)

Library: 7 loot (123G)

Second Floor, East: 11 loot, 1 collectible (217G)

Attic: 3 loot (82G)

Waiting Hall: 1 loot (51G)

Second Floor, West: 12 loot, 1 collectible (228G)

First Floor, West: 4 loot (70G)

Ceremony Room: 1 loot (56G)

The Baron’s Laboratory: 9 loot, 1 collectible (166G)

Audale Bridge: 4 loot (83G)

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