Mission 04: The Royal Physician

Mission total: 3623

Important notes: Open map. Danger of losing access to loot with the death a certain civilian.

This mission follows a fairly linear path to Anton Sokolov, with each section of Kaldwin’s Bridge breaking up the map into natural soft checkpoints. All areas are accessible to you for backtracking, if necessary. You should have collected 2121 in coin upon arrival at the North End and then 2688 in coin before entering the Royal Physician’s apartment. It may prove wise to keep any non-combatants you encounter alive on your kidnapping errand as some of them may hold information of value to your wallet.

Southside Bridgeway: 335 coins

Kaldwin’s Bridge: 1296 coins

Midrow Substation: 490 coins

North End: 567 coins

Sokolov’s House: 935 coins

Intermission total: 640 coins

Important notes: One time sensitive item, danger of losing access to loot. Coins and runes at the Pub do not count towards mission total.

(Collect river krust pearl before sleeping.)


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