Mission 01: A Captain of Industry

Mission total: 2053 (or 1553*) in coin, 11 bone artifacts

Slaughterhouse Row: 918 in coin, 5 bone artifacts

Rothwild Slaughterhouse: 1135 (or 635*) in coin, 6 bone artifacts

*If you choose not to work with Abigale Aimes (as blowing a factory full of butchers is distinctly High Chaos) you will forfeit a 500-coin reward. Low Chaos players and others who decide to skip the pyrotechnics will have a final total of 1553C.

Rothwild Butchers: 80+ in coin**

**There are initially nine butchers wielding bonesaws inside the slaughterhouse but more may appear if you agree to work with Abigale. After killing or incapacitating a butcher, his saw can be collected for 20 in coin that has no affect on the end-of-mission total. Non-lethal players must be warned, however, that there is a glitch resulting in a kill being attributed to you despite never having laid eyes on the NPC until he is already a corpse; the safest way to avoid this is to leave as many of the butchers awake as possible. While I have not fully tested this workaround’s limitations, the most reliable way I know to complete the level with no kills is to complete the level with 3 or fewer butchers unconscious.

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